Sunday 25 January 2015

Youssef B.

Akchour is a small village in Morocco  30 km from Chefchaouen. It´s a beautiful village because it has a lot of espectacular natural monuments like the bridge of god. It´s a bridge of rocks made by nature, thence comes the name bridge of god.
Also one of the most important monuments in Akchour is the waterfall EL KLAA.
Akchour has numerous nature reserves and that means that it don´t has so much developments.People who wants the peace and the relax I recommend them to visit Akchour.
One of the most interesting activities to do in Akchour is hiking because there are many woods to explore.

Youssef Baomar 1ºBAC B

Youssef B.


My sign is Aries.People who are born in this month are reckless and determined.
Nothing will stand in their way if theycan help it.They have got heaps of physical energy and are very competitive.They have to come first in everything. They are independent and concerned about their own ambitions and goals. It´s easy to offend an Aries and, when they fell offended, it´s hard to make peace with them .
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. If an Aries begins to belive in a good cause, he will fight tirelessly to promote it.
I was born on the 1st of April. My zodiac is Aries. My zodiac tells a lot of things that I´m not. I´m not reckless but I´m very determined. I´m very concerned but I do not get offended easly.  


Youssef B.

Yousef Baomar 1ºBAC B
Dear Younness
Last year I participated in a competition with my friends.In the competition you had to answer ten questions but you had to find it in the forest with a map.
With the help of my friends we had to  find these answers and when we finished we went back to show the answers to the jury.But it wasn´t an easy competition.
To find the answers you have to run a lot and be intelligent.
At the end, we didn´t win but we enjoyed a lot. It was funny.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Film review Cry Freedom by Randa Chairi Mohamed

                                           CRY FREEDOM

         The film is based on two books written by Donald Woods, one of the protagonists, after escaping from South Africa. This film is based on facts.
         This film has important moral significance.
         This 1987 film is fighting for a cause that now a days, we are still try to fight, this cause is racism. In this film Biko fight against racism. He helps black community get ahead and have the same standard of  living  as white people had in South Africa. Biko died in jail but is remember as a hero, who tried to save the black community from injustice. Donald helps Biko try to achieve democracy.
         This movie made me think about all those black people starving and living under a government dictator ship.

Nasser Lebbadi Castro
Cry Freedom
-Movie Review
The film begins with the stories of Donald Woods, editor of the East London (South Africa) Daily Dispatch, and Steve Biko, a young black leader who has founded a school and a clinic for his people and continues to hold out hope that blacks and whites can work together to change South Africa. In the more naive days of the 1960s and 1970s, his politics are seen as "black supremecy," and Woods writes sanctimonious editorials describing Biko as a black racist. Through an emissary, Biko arranges to meet Woods. Eventually the two men become friends, and Woods sees black life in South Africa at first hand, something few white South Africans have done.

But in the movie there is a reflexion When I saw the movie, I really got touched by the story. This movie is showing us what happened in this country between the 1977 and 1979. When you realice that the movie is a true story, you get confuse and mind changed because this people were suffering just because they have a different colour. I think that the importance of those kind of movies is to learn about our mistakes. If we don’t change after making them, we are not evolving as humans. That means that things, that are happening in countries like Palestine or Afganistan, should not be happening now. In my opinion, the real story told in this movie should be an example for nowadays and the future.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Film review Cry Freedom

Cry Freedom (film review)

Thinking that humans could have treated other humans that bad just because they couldnt understant that people are different make me sick. 

The color of our skin would not have to be reason of war but years ago happened this way. And this is what the film is about. 
Cry Freedom is a drama a film about a fight against the Apartheid started by a member of the black movement against the biggest racist law ever that forbid them from all their rights and continued by Donald Woods, a  white journalist who after listening to what Biko had to say in the name of all the black society and after seeing how they are allowed to live, changed his beliefs in the Apartheid and started fighting for black rights. 

The Apartheid was a cruel law made to make inferiors the black Africans. They were the keepers of the country, they weren't allowed to study in colleges, or to have important jobs. They served as chofers, bargage men/women, housekeepers...

Stephen Biko, as other fighters of the black movement, are heros. In the film, which is based on reality, Stephen shows  that you do not have to be afraid of what you really believe in, You have to fight for what you want to get. He did it, he tried all ways to stop South African's government, but he got killed himself under police custody.  He was treated like an animal, thrown in the floor denied from medical assistance. But he he got killed for what he believed in, he believed in a fair South Africa, as many others, who couldnt speak freely because they were not as brave as Biko was. 
Thank god there were people like Donals Woods, capable of risking everything to help others. Because even having evverything is his life he could not be completely happy knowing that there are humans as him suffering. 

In a speech given by Nelson Mandela, this one describes Donals Woods as an incredible, brave and lovely human with a great and big heart.

In the film,when Donald saw his body and realised os what he had suffered he decided to publish a book about him, about Stephen and his fight. But his own country does not let him, and Donald becomes forbidden, so he decides to run away his all his family to London where he is allowed to publish it.

Now a days, it sounds crazy to think that someome could be judged just for the colour of his skin, but actually the Apartheid wasn'd erradicated until 1994, so just twenty years ago there was still existing a law against humans rights. 
 I still try to understand how could that happen, how could a government killed thousands of thousands innocent children and adultes who just wanted to be free. 

The end of the Apartheid (video)

Tuesday 20 January 2015


Cry Freedom is a movie directed by Richard Attenborough,released in 1987,based on two books written by Donald Woods. This British drama is based on true events. It narrates the struggle of Steve Biko, a black South African anti-apartheid activist.  In the apartheid era black people were opressed by the Afrikaneers which were the minority. Many black activists spoke up and fought the apartheid, one of them and my favourite was Steve Biko. He grew up in a black township in poor living conditions. Steve would always see the good things made by white people, so he began to think that black people were inferior. Growing up he cleared his thoughts and he began to realise the truth. In his point of view, black people didn't need to be compared with the white. Black and white had to be equal, but they are different. Steve Biko thought that the black community didn't need to be tought and educated by the white, they didn't need to learn white history, they had their own things to learn. Steve Biko would always say Black is Beautiful, what he meant is that black people are also humans, they also have their rights, they are as strong or as weak as the white people are. They are made of the same things, so why wouldn't they have equal rights? Steve Biko was killed by the government because he was a threat and Donald Woods had to tell his story. He escaped to Lesothia and published his book. Superheros don't need a cape, Steve Biko was one. He fought for what is right and he defended his race. Steve's dead was not for nothing, with his dead awarness was extended in whole South Africa, and black “beautiful” people started to demand their rights.

Film review by Bochra Arrouch

Cry freedom is a British film produced and directed by Richard Attenborough, written by John Briley and released in 1987.
The film treated the problem of Apartheid in South Africa, where black people were discriminated for their color and separated from the white people in so many public places. They were having no human rights and also some of them were banned by the South African government, as the case of Steve Biko in the film who wasn’t permitted to live his defined banning area at King William’s Town.
After knowing the truth about Apartheid, Donald Woods (a South African journalist and anti-apartheid activist) started to work against the Apartheid problem in partnership with Steve Biko (an anti-apartheid activist in South Africa). Donald Woods tried to show the truth about the death of Biko to people for that but he was banned by the South African authorities. Although the fact of been banned he didn’t stop fighting and showing the corrupt and the racism of the South African authorities.

For me, a human being should not give up on defending his rights of living in peace and democracy, no matter what the price he will pay for. 


I was born on 20th of May in 1997. My horoscope is Taurus.
The people whose horoscope is Taurus, is always calm. My favourite colour is the white and the blue. But people say that Taurus zodiac sign´s people favourite colour is the blue and the green. A Taurus lends to be practical, determined and have a stronge force.
Taureans are stable and conservative people. They do fitfully follow a leader in having confidence. They love peace and quiet and they are very respectful of the laws and rules. They have habit reluctant to change. They are more practical  than intellectual. They have a habit, my habit is play football and surf on the internet.

Nine months ago, my friends and I travelled to Merzouga. We caught a train from the train station of Tangier. The trip lasted 5 days.
Merzouga is in the south of Morocco. It is a spectacular site. It is a desert. When we got to Merzouga, we had to rent a 4x4 car to pass a field and got to the resort. The resort was a luxury place with a beautiful swimming pool and a big restaurant. Every day we had was party at night.
We enjoyed the trip. Probably this year we are going to spend a good week again.
The movie titled “Cry Freedom” is a british drama directed by Richard Attenborough (british director and producer). The movie was filmed in the late 1970s.
The movie treat about the South Africa´s movement called Apartheid.
The Apartheid consisted in the separation of the South Africa population by discriminatory treatment towards blacks reasons. During the movie, there is a person called Steve Biko. He represents the black society of people. He is brave and adventurous. He became leader four South Africans. But the black leader is dead at the hands of the white South African police (1970).
Personally, I liked the movie because it talks about important matter and South African event. And it is well know things about countries of our continent.

Meriem J

The horoscope is the aspect of the planets and stars at a given moment, such as the moment of a person's birth, used by astrologers. It is also an astrological forecast, as of a person's future, based on a diagram of the aspect of the planets and stars at a given moment.
Each month has tis own horoscope , so there are twelve horoscopes in total. The masculine signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius, whereas the feminine signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.
I was born on 14th May so my horoscope is Taurus. According to my horoscope I am a possessive person, I am always looking for security and happiness. A Taurus person will always reach his goals with tenacity, persistence and deliberation. He is also a hardworking  and loyal person , with a great physical resistance. A Taurus person is a very strict and serious person, especially when he is working. He loves perfection in everything he do. He likes to work and to do things by his own, that means that he is a very independent person. He might be a little shy but he is a very outgoing person and he likes to meet people. A Taurus person is sociable and friendly , he is nice with people and he likes helping people who need help. Most people like him because he can listen  to the others and give them advices.>I personally don't believe in this sort of things because I think it Is not true, but I really enjoy reading my horoscope , even if I don't trust in everything they say, because it is not scientifically proved. So nobody can know if it is true or not, besides I don't like to know what it is going to happen in my life. There is something true about why my horoscope says about me, but it's not a very strong evidence to prove that what he is saying is true.

Meriem J

Cry Freedom, a film directed by Richard Attenbourough is a very touching and striking movie. The story takes place in a large period of time, which goes from 1975 to 1978.It shows the sad and the cruel reality that black people have lived in South Africa during the Apartheid. It shows how cruel and racist can human beings can be wih other human beings, it shows how people can be bad,awful and evil with other people just because of the colour of their skin.
The film turns around the power, the strength and the brilliant ideas of an anti-apartheid activist in South Africa named Stephen Bantu Biko. This wonderful person founded the Black Consciousness Movement to empower the black population. He had a very famous slogan which he repeated several times to motivate black people to love theirselves as they are. This slogan is: ‘’ Black is beautiful’’. By this slogan he meant that black people are okay as they are, so they should look upon theirselves as a human being.He was against the separation and the difference between black and white people. He didn’t want from white people to tell to the blacks, how to think or how to be educated or neither how to educate their child. He wanted from black people to know their own country’s history and to be proud of it, to keep their culture, traditions, their ideas, and to delate form their minds that black people are inferior. However this ideas caused him several problems and he was banned.Some people acussed thim for being racist, but he just wanted equality between black and whites.Biko died on 12th September 1977.One of the persons who at first thought that Biko was racist was a white South African journalist and anti-apartheid named Donald Woods. But he quickly changed his mind when he knew him, and they became really close friends.Donald Woods captured the attention of the world whit an article of the death of his friend Stephen Biko. When he published details and photographies regarding biko´s death at the hands of the South African police, Woods was banned and the newspaper was shut down. He escaped to Lesotho and then to UK, where he wrote and compaigned for international sanctions about the racist South African government.

This story made me think a lot this last days, because it really touched me. I have always been against racism and I will always be. I was shocked about how cruel people can be,about how insensitive and intolerant human beings can be with other human beings, how  some people can’t accept difference. Aren’t black people, human too? Don’t they have feelings too? Shouldn’t we all respect each other no matter how different we are? … This sad and shocking event that happened in South Africa made me think of all this things… Where are human rights?  However thanks to men like Biko men who doesn’t care about the consequences and fight for their rights ,fight for justice, people who fight for their people, for their culture , for their traditions and for their country, society expecience a huge progress, men like Biko build history.

Film Review

Where’s the freedom of speech?
· The story about the friendship between Steve Biko a black anti-apartheid man and Mr. Donald Woods a white journalist, editor of the Daily Dispatch and anti-apartheid activist man takes place in the 70s in South Africa specifically in King William’s Town.
This story talks about the life of the black society in South Africa in the 70s and 80s. Black people were discriminated by the white ones; they didn’t have the freedom of speech, nor the right for a good life style, nor the right for good jobs
Mr. Woods after talking several days with the activist Biko, he realized that they were doing something really bad, what the government and the national police were doing was inhuman and bestial, so Mr. Woods decided to help Biko and all black people to get what they wanted: Freedom.
In conclusion, I think the importance of this story is that we are all equal no matter the color of our skin, nor our culture and traditions, nor our religion.
You have to fight for your rights no matter what, it will be hard but at the need you’ll achieve your dreams.
The main idea of this movie in one or two words would be tolerance and equality.
It’s a sad fact that now a days there are still racist people, but the good thing is that now we can coexist all the cultures together and the word ‘’race’’ is finally deleted from our vocabulary.

Film review: Cry Freedom

This is the story of the life of Stephen Biko (Denzel Washington), an activist known for his fight against apartheid South Africa as seen through the eyes of his friend Donald Woods (Kevin Kline), the chief editor of a white called liberal newspaper Daily Dispatch. Biko want to get well, equality of rights between races in South Africa. Woods wrote, initially, several critical editorials about Biko, but after meeting him for the first time, change your mind. They meet several times and Woods and his family begin to be investigated by the police. Biko was killed by the government in 1977 because of their protests against their mistreatment of black citizens. The South African journalist is forced to flee the country after attempting to investigate the death in custody of his friend the black activist. Additionally, Woods is writing a book about the life of Biko and the only way to get it is published is in the country illegally escape.

Cry Freedom Film review by salima

Cry freedom is a movie based on the novel by Donald Woods.
It´s about the events of the seventies in South Africa and the appearance of apartheid. During this novel Woods tells us how this law divided the habitants of South Africa .The white people in a side and the black people in the other side.

During the fight against this injustice, Steve Biko the founder the founder of the anti - apartheid association and one of the activists of the era who fought for freedom is killed by government and from here the editor and friend of Biko, Donald Woods initiates a new route that transmitted from his book, the voice of Biko and all victims of apartheid.


First we took a plane from the Mohammed V International Airport (Casablanca), the journey took 11 hours and we were very tired. Luckily, we hadn’t had troubles. In the airport we met my aunt and we went to her house, there we met my cousins Marco, Adam and Sara. They have the same age that us. As soon as we were sleeping my aunt was preparing a typical meal of Madagascar called Lasary, it was delicious…
It was a wonderful trip. It was one of the times I have spent more time with my family than ever before.

We went to beautiful places around the capital, such as the National Park of Isalo, where the warmth of its people made of it a magic adventure. We rented a car and we drove north to the park, a place that's famous for exotic animals like crocodiles. Suddenly the car was broken and one of the crocodiles was approaching very quickly and it attempt to kill us but
luckily the hunter saved us
From there, we went back to my aunt’s house. My sister said that she wouldn’t go back.

Film review (activities)

1)    In which years does the story take place ?
The story takes place during the 70s.

2)    Which are the names of the cities? Can you find then on a map?
King William’s town, Pretoria, Lesotto and Otswana. Also Cape Town.

3)    Give short descriptions about the cities and places:

The cities were divided between the black zone and the white zone because of the Apartheid law, so the white zone was beautiful, clean, with an incredible views, big and luxury mansions, good cars…
But the black zone was devastating, they weren’t allowed even to live under good conditions, it was all dirty and the children haven’t even what to wear, no good saint system, they were pushed to live like animals.
King’s Williams Town os where Stephen Biko and Donald Woods live. It’s located In the Easter Cape. Founded by sir Benjamin d’Urban.
Pretoria is located in the northeast part of Gauterng province.
Botswana is located in southern Africa.
Cape Town is where Biko was going in the moment he got arrested.

4)    What do you think is the importance of the real story told in this film?
In my opinion the solidarity that has Donald Woods with Biko’s people at that point that he would risk everything that he had with no guaranty of success to help the others and start a fight tha would give them freedom. Donald Woods had everything: money, a good job, a good house, good position in society, he had everything to be happy but he wasn’t because he couldn’t be knowing that others were suffering.

5)    Name the relevant characters, and find information about them.
Stephen Biko was one of  the leaders who has had the movement against the Apartheid law. He fought against this law until  he got killed for his beliefs under police custody. 
Donald Woods is the journalist, editor and founder of the East London’s daily dispatch  who made the impossible to publish the book about Stephen Biko after this one was brutally murdered.

6)    What did you learn in this film?
I learned that we have to help others to get the minimum of happiness if we see them suffering even if we have a comfortable life.  I learnt about the importance of solidarity and also to fight for what I really want. Defend my  beliefs until the death.

7)    Write English words you heard in the film and you think they are important for the story:
I think the only word which deserves to be written here is Apartheid, a racist word with a racist meaning.
A law against the rights of black people.

8)    What nationalities are mentioned in the film? What do they have in common?
They are mentioned South African people and British people, and what they have in common is that some of them are fighting the Apartheid and others are fighting for it.

Activity 2:

1)    What does the word ‘Apartheid’ mean? In what language?
Apartheid is a law against black people who was made to take away of them their rights “legally”. They were treated as animals.
Apartheid is an African word which means racial segregation.

2)    How were people organized according to race in South Africa?
They were divided in two zones: the black people (the keepers) and the white people (the Africans).

3)    What countries are South Africans’ ancestors from? What ethnic groups are there? What languages do they speak?
They are ancestors from the Europeans. There are the black community and the Africans. They speak African and English. 
4)    When did the Apartheid become an official government  policy in South Africa?
Apartheid became an official government policy and law in 1943 and it ended in 1994.

5)    What was the purpose of Apartheid?
The purpose of Apartheid was to separate the inferior class (the black people) from the white people.

6)    State of emergency in the 80s.

7)    How and when did the Apartheid end?
One important factor in the end of Apartheid was pressure from the inside of the country? Members of the government began to have doubts about the system, and several parties which were opposed to it also began to grow in South Africa, starting in the 70s.
There was also a lot of external pressure especially from western nations, some of them had extensive civil rights legislation.
South Africa also experienced immense economic pressure to end the Apartheid. Many churches also applies pressure. Combined with violent demonstrations from black people and white people supporting the cause made the Apartheid end in 1994.  

Zodiac Sign

I was born on the 10th of September so my horoscope is Virgo. The Virgo horoscope includes people who are born from 23 August to 22 September.
Virgo is a very independent Zodiac sign. They are fully able to put their intelligence to use and get things done for themselves. Virgos are able to be independent but the les evolved types will have difficulties if someone didn’t help them to achieve their goals and help them to not be so critical about themselves.
People look up to Virgo friends because they are straight thinkers and also have the ability to solve problems logically. They are truthful, loyal and determinate. Some people might find them cold or emotionally detached because their acts and decisions are based on their minds not on their emotions and feelings.
It’s known that their lucky numbers are 5, 14, 23, 32, 41 and 50; their lucky day is Wednesday and their lucky colors are orange, white, grey and yellow. Also they are compatible with people who are Taurus, Capricorn, cancer and Scorpio.

 Last summer was very exciting. Me and my friend decided to go for a trip in Malaysia.
The first thing to do was planning for the trip. We had a lot of ideas in our minds but we decided to get to know what to see first in Malaysia. We decided to spend a week in Kuala Lumpur. Our plan was containing a lot of things to do, first thing was tasting the different types of food there.
 The population of Malaysia is made up of primarily three ethnic groups: Malay, Chinese and Indian. Therefore, it is common to find food relating to these ethnicities everywhere across the country. So we tried all the types but at the end we stuck to Indian food.
 Fish spas are becoming more popular lately across all Asia. So we decided to enjoy it there especially the fish spa.  You dip your feet in tanks filled with fish. The fish then nibble off all of your dead skin, leaving your feet feeling refreshed and smooth. That was a very relaxing experience for both of us. We enjoyed it a lot.
Here we are in Kuala Lumpur and we can’t go without at least paying a visit to these famous twin towers. The view there is amazing, especially at night. We couldn’t help but taking tens of photos.
We had been to Hong Kong before. We didn’t think another country could be better for shopping, but oh how we were wrong! The malls in KL were completely over the top. One of the best ways to experience local culture is by visiting a market. This is actually easier said than done in KL as they night market is constantly moving. We were fortunate to happen on it by chance.
Malaysia is an Islamic country so visiting one of the beautiful mosques was a thing to do in our plan. So we went to the most popular mosques which is the National Mosque. The last place to visit was Merdeka Square. This last itself isn’t that interesting, it’s mainly a large patch of grass with a fountain and one of the world’s largest flagpoles, but the surrounding streets have a lot of older, historical buildings, including the Sultan Abdul Samad Building.
Within a few short blocks you’ll encounter a variety of architectural styles that make this area worth wandering around. At last we went to the Central Market. We actually bought all our souvenirs from there. This building was once an actual wet market and is now a designated as a Malaysian Heritage Site.

We really enjoyed just wandering around. We felt that there was so much to explore and visit. We did not get bored spending a week there at all.

Malaysia by Bochra Arrouch

 Last summer was very exciting. Me and my friend decided to go for a trip in Malaysia.
The first thing to do was planning for the trip. We had a lot of ideas in our minds but we decided to get to know what to see first in Malaysia. We decided to spend a week in Kuala Lumpur. Our plan was containing a lot of things to do, first thing was tasting the different types of food there.
 The population of Malaysia is made up of primarily three ethnic groups: Malay, Chinese and Indian. Therefore, it is common to find food relating to these ethnicities everywhere across the country. So we tried all the types but at the end we stuck to Indian food.
 Fish spas are becoming more popular lately across all Asia. So we decided to enjoy it there especially the fish spa.  You dip your feet in tanks filled with fish. The fish then nibble off all of your dead skin, leaving your feet feeling refreshed and smooth. That was a very relaxing experience for both of us. We enjoyed it a lot.
Here we are in Kuala Lumpur and we can’t go without at least paying a visit to these famous twin towers. The view there is amazing, especially at night. We couldn’t help but taking tens of photos.
We had been to Hong Kong before. We didn’t think another country could be better for shopping, but oh how we were wrong! The malls in KL were completely over the top. One of the best ways to experience local culture is by visiting a market. This is actually easier said than done in KL as they night market is constantly moving. We were fortunate to happen on it by chance.
Malaysia is an Islamic country so visiting one of the beautiful mosques was a thing to do in our plan. So we went to the most popular mosques which is the National Mosque. The last place to visit was Merdeka Square. This last itself isn’t that interesting, it’s mainly a large patch of grass with a fountain and one of the world’s largest flagpoles, but the surrounding streets have a lot of older, historical buildings, including the Sultan Abdul Samad Building.
Within a few short blocks you’ll encounter a variety of architectural styles that make this area worth wandering around. At last we went to the Central Market. We actually bought all our souvenirs from there. This building was once an actual wet market and is now a designated as a Malaysian Heritage Site.

We really enjoyed just wandering around. We felt that there was so much to explore and visit. We did not get bored spending a week there at all.

Film review by Nada El Hadri

Cry Freedom is a British film which took place in the 70s and it was directed by Richard Attenborough. The film is about the friendship between two persons with diferent races and it’s based in real events. Donald Woods ( a newspaper editor) with Steve Biko try to end the racism but Biko dies , so he had to finish the job alone. After this movie many things have changed in South Africa because now it doesn´t matter if you are white or black.


Ines Chamali 1º Bac
I’m really excited! I’ve always dreamed of travelling to Italy. In my opinion Italy is an enchanted, romantic and very calm country. So my mum decided to give me a big super surprise for my birthday party. She bought me a plane ticket to Italy! I started screaming, jumping and making strange faces.
So that night I made my suitcase and the next day I went to the airport and in three hours an a half I was finally there, Italy!
Our tourist guide told us that Venice was one of the best places to visit in Italy. I went on June so it was very hot. Each time I had to go out with my new friends or go sightseeing, I had to wear sunscreen, sunglasses and a water bottle.
The coolest thing in Venice is that it’s a unique city in Italy which is built upon a lagoon surrounded by the Adriatic Sea. At first we visited St Mark’s basilisca. It was wonderful. Then we visited Dog’s Palace once Venice’s political and judicial monument, and Torre del l’Orologio, a clock tower built between 1496 and 1506.
No travel to Venice would be complete without visiting on of the most famous places located on the waterways of this city, as the gondolas are!
Later, we went to a lot of art museums and all that stuff but I really don’t remember their names. I was very hungry and I wasn’t paying any attention so I went to eat some pizza.
I met a lot of friends, most of them very handsome. We went to a lot of parties and the last day I bought a lot of souvenirs to my parents and my best friend.

It was a nice trip!

Zodiac Sign

My zodiac sign

I was born on the 28th of November, so I'm Sagitarious.
They say that we are inquisitive and energetic people. We are philosophical, and our broad-minded approach to life motivates us to wander far and wide in the search for the meaning of life. Extroverted, optimistic, and enthusiastic, it can be almost impossible to keep the Sagittarius down. We love change. In fact, change is essential for this sign to feel our best.
They also say that we have a great sense of humor, we are realistic and generous, but sometimes we can be very rude if we get mad, because we don’t know how to control ourselves.
We are outgoing, but we like to stay at home reading a book. It all depends about your mood.
I’m Sagittarius like I said before but I’ll disagree in one point: I’m not very outgoing, and I don’t love changes, I prefer to have a routine, except this, I agree with all.

I also do things without thinking, and then I regret all those things that I’ve done.

The Zodiac Sign: Cancer Zaid Bousdar

People who are born between the 22 of June and the 22 of July are Cancer, like me. People who are born in these dates are very sensitive and sometimes introverted, they are also cheerful, intelligent and funny but sometimes they are lazy and irritable. People who are Cancer like safety a lot. Sometimes they are sociable and sometimes they just want to stay alone.

I agree with the destription in some facts such as Cancer are cheerful and intelligent and lazy but I disagree with the fact that we are irritable and lonely.


Last year, my friend and I went to Sweden to visit several cities. But specially we went to Stockholm for see an important music festival. The flight was from Tangier airport to Melbourne airport. In that festival we saw some important musicians like Katy Perry, Avicci and others.

After the festival we decided to do an tour of the country for explore the country and to have an idea about its culture, traditions and food. It's a very clean country, it has different landscape, important museums and places and Swedish people are sociable. In my opinion, It's one of the best countries in the world.

Cry freedom by MR

Mehdi Rian 1ºBAC


The film narrates the story about the friendship between Donald Woods (Newspaper editor) and Steve Biko (a famous South African activist) and their fight against Apartheid. The film shows us the cruelty and the racism that were suffered over the years in South African society. That was a big event in the history of the country and changed the coexistence between black and withe people. The film made me think about how evil we can get to be with our own species, It´s very sad.

Movie Review: Cry Freedom Zaid Bousdar

Directed and produced by Richard Attenborough, and released in 1987 this inhuman and violent story about the Apartheid tells how black people suffered from this wild and irrational politic and economic system.

The story is about a journalist and an editor called Donald Woods who is against the Apartheid and his black friend Steve Biko who was an anti-Apartheid activist. Both people tried to stop the Apartheid.

This movie is based on true events. When Biko first appears in the film, he has already been "banned" by the South African government. "Banning" meant he was not allowed to be in the same room with more than one other person outside his immediate family, and not allowed to write anything for either public or private consumption. Additionally, he was not allowed to leave his defined banning area. We can see how cruel and racist white people were. This only with Biko. While with other people they used to kill them.In the begining Woods critisized Biko's actions in his newspaper  but later when he met him he knew he was wrong. Biko invites Woods to visit a black town to see the bad and terrible conditions and to witness the effect of theApartheid system. Then Woods understands the situation and tries to help Biko to make South Africa a country where blacks and whites have the same rights and the same opportunities. Biko dies. Then Woods tries to tell the police about the murder of Biko. He meets with Jimmy Kruger, the South African Minister of Justice, but his efforts to expose the truth lead to his own banning. His family are targeted by the police and they try to finish them using some dirty tricks. Woods tries to go to England. After a long trip he escapes to Lesotho and from there he flies to Bostwana where he is helped by an Australian politician.

In the end of the movie they show the names of the anti-Apartheid activist. Most of them commited suicide and some of them are said to have fallen down stairs.

In my opinion this movie represent how corrupted and selfish is the mind of a lot of people. Blacks are humans too. The colour doesn`t matter, but people judge only the appearance of the others not the heart. I think even now black people are looked as inferior and useless but. How many famous black people are there now compared to 60 years ago? The difference is huge and all this was possible because of the effort of black oppositors to stop Apartheid. A lot of people died, yes. But their sacrifice wasn`t in vain. They  saved South Africa from a black future.

Black people must have the same rights as white people and white people must respect them more and stop thinking they are superior.

But the most shocking thing I saw in ths movie is the mentality of white people. They only imprison and execute the in case they fight in defense of their rights. Other things I saw is how South Africa was litterally separated in two different races, black and white. This kind of things shouldnt exist. Why this didn't happend to oriental person? Is it because of the colour? Probably. No. Sure, it is because of the colour. In some cultures people see black as somthing which gives you bad luck and it is bad and useless. Just think in the popular black cat. ''If the black cat walks besides you it will give you bad luck for the rest of the day''. It is something stupid. But back in time people believed in this kind of racist things. Why do they don't say that white cat gives bad luck? I think it's because of the religion more than anything. In some religions black people are treated as monsters and demons.

This movie was creepy in my opinion. I can't imagine this kind of things happening now in my country. But well. The good thing in all this is that now black people and white people are equal.