Thursday 18 June 2015



Name: Ilyass
Surname: El Barhami Qarchli                       
Group: 1 BAC ¨B¨
Course: 2014-2015

  -Nawal was born (on April 15, 1962)  and raised in Casablanca, Morocco. Her talent brought her to the United States, specifically to the track team at Iowa State University. While a student, she was asked by the Moroccan track team to compete with them in the 1984 summer Olympics in Los Angeles.  She competed in the inaugural 400-meter hurdles event and placed first, beating her personal best by .76 seconds and winning the gold medal.  The King of Morocco at the time, Hassan II, declared that every girl born on her victory day would be named Nawal in her honor. 

Since her historic win, Nawal has championed female athletes all over the world. She was also the first Moroccan and the first woman from a Muslim majority country to win an Olympic gold medal. She is a member of the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF), and she was selected to be a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1998.  She was president of the selection committee for the 2012 summer games and is the first Muslim woman to be on the committee.

Since 2007, she has been the Moroccan Minister of Youth and Sports.  She is also the president of Association Marocaine de Sports et Developpment (AMSD), as well as the vice-president of the Moroccan Royal Federation of Athletics.

Her Olympic achievement was the breakthrough that gave Moroccan women much-needed belief in themselves and the courage to take up sport, which had previously been regarded as the preserve of men.

 The generation, which grew up at the time of her Los Angeles success has since emerged impressively on the international scene. Nezha Bidouane was World Champion in 1997 in the 400 metres hurdles, while Zohra Ouaziz took the silver medal in the 1999 World Championships in the 5,000 metres.

Her influence internationally has also increased significantly in recent years. In 1995, she became a council member of the International Association of Athletics Federations and two years later she became the first Muslim woman ever to be elected to the International Olympic Committee. A member of the IOC Women and Sports Commission and the IOC Marketing Commission, in 2004 she was appointed Chairperson of the IOC Evaluation Commission for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. She is currently Vice-Chair of the Laureus World Sports Academy.