Sunday 25 January 2015

Youssef B.


My sign is Aries.People who are born in this month are reckless and determined.
Nothing will stand in their way if theycan help it.They have got heaps of physical energy and are very competitive.They have to come first in everything. They are independent and concerned about their own ambitions and goals. It´s easy to offend an Aries and, when they fell offended, it´s hard to make peace with them .
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. If an Aries begins to belive in a good cause, he will fight tirelessly to promote it.
I was born on the 1st of April. My zodiac is Aries. My zodiac tells a lot of things that I´m not. I´m not reckless but I´m very determined. I´m very concerned but I do not get offended easly.