Wednesday 21 January 2015

Film review Cry Freedom

Cry Freedom (film review)

Thinking that humans could have treated other humans that bad just because they couldnt understant that people are different make me sick. 

The color of our skin would not have to be reason of war but years ago happened this way. And this is what the film is about. 
Cry Freedom is a drama a film about a fight against the Apartheid started by a member of the black movement against the biggest racist law ever that forbid them from all their rights and continued by Donald Woods, a  white journalist who after listening to what Biko had to say in the name of all the black society and after seeing how they are allowed to live, changed his beliefs in the Apartheid and started fighting for black rights. 

The Apartheid was a cruel law made to make inferiors the black Africans. They were the keepers of the country, they weren't allowed to study in colleges, or to have important jobs. They served as chofers, bargage men/women, housekeepers...

Stephen Biko, as other fighters of the black movement, are heros. In the film, which is based on reality, Stephen shows  that you do not have to be afraid of what you really believe in, You have to fight for what you want to get. He did it, he tried all ways to stop South African's government, but he got killed himself under police custody.  He was treated like an animal, thrown in the floor denied from medical assistance. But he he got killed for what he believed in, he believed in a fair South Africa, as many others, who couldnt speak freely because they were not as brave as Biko was. 
Thank god there were people like Donals Woods, capable of risking everything to help others. Because even having evverything is his life he could not be completely happy knowing that there are humans as him suffering. 

In a speech given by Nelson Mandela, this one describes Donals Woods as an incredible, brave and lovely human with a great and big heart.

In the film,when Donald saw his body and realised os what he had suffered he decided to publish a book about him, about Stephen and his fight. But his own country does not let him, and Donald becomes forbidden, so he decides to run away his all his family to London where he is allowed to publish it.

Now a days, it sounds crazy to think that someome could be judged just for the colour of his skin, but actually the Apartheid wasn'd erradicated until 1994, so just twenty years ago there was still existing a law against humans rights. 
 I still try to understand how could that happen, how could a government killed thousands of thousands innocent children and adultes who just wanted to be free. 

The end of the Apartheid (video)