Tuesday 20 January 2015

Malaysia by Bochra Arrouch

 Last summer was very exciting. Me and my friend decided to go for a trip in Malaysia.
The first thing to do was planning for the trip. We had a lot of ideas in our minds but we decided to get to know what to see first in Malaysia. We decided to spend a week in Kuala Lumpur. Our plan was containing a lot of things to do, first thing was tasting the different types of food there.
 The population of Malaysia is made up of primarily three ethnic groups: Malay, Chinese and Indian. Therefore, it is common to find food relating to these ethnicities everywhere across the country. So we tried all the types but at the end we stuck to Indian food.
 Fish spas are becoming more popular lately across all Asia. So we decided to enjoy it there especially the fish spa.  You dip your feet in tanks filled with fish. The fish then nibble off all of your dead skin, leaving your feet feeling refreshed and smooth. That was a very relaxing experience for both of us. We enjoyed it a lot.
Here we are in Kuala Lumpur and we can’t go without at least paying a visit to these famous twin towers. The view there is amazing, especially at night. We couldn’t help but taking tens of photos.
We had been to Hong Kong before. We didn’t think another country could be better for shopping, but oh how we were wrong! The malls in KL were completely over the top. One of the best ways to experience local culture is by visiting a market. This is actually easier said than done in KL as they night market is constantly moving. We were fortunate to happen on it by chance.
Malaysia is an Islamic country so visiting one of the beautiful mosques was a thing to do in our plan. So we went to the most popular mosques which is the National Mosque. The last place to visit was Merdeka Square. This last itself isn’t that interesting, it’s mainly a large patch of grass with a fountain and one of the world’s largest flagpoles, but the surrounding streets have a lot of older, historical buildings, including the Sultan Abdul Samad Building.
Within a few short blocks you’ll encounter a variety of architectural styles that make this area worth wandering around. At last we went to the Central Market. We actually bought all our souvenirs from there. This building was once an actual wet market and is now a designated as a Malaysian Heritage Site.

We really enjoyed just wandering around. We felt that there was so much to explore and visit. We did not get bored spending a week there at all.