Monday 15 December 2014

Bochra Arrouch Malaysia

Nada El Hadri California

Fiji Islands by Zaid Zitan

The heart of the South Pacific, Fiji is blessed with 333 tropical islands that are home to happiness.
For the perfect holiday, choose from affordable accommodation all the way through to exclusive 5 star resorts, bunk down in a hostel or book an island to yourself.
Famous for its soft coral diving, white sand beaches and pristine natural environment Fiji is a leader in eco-tourism. For business travel there is no better place halfway between North America and Asia.
Weddings and honeymoons in Fiji are a dream of a lifetime, and families and children have a special place here.


Fiji islands is a fantastic location to spend a fancy holiday because of its wonderful geographical features, the incredible activities you can do there, and its amazing culture as well.
Just the name Fiji sounds exotic, and what makes the 522 Fiji islands one of the most beautiful places is their fascinating landscapes and its sugar-white beaches. In addition, most of its resorts and hotels are situated in front of the beach so you can get up every day looking at an amazing view while you see the sea from your hotelroom.
There is much more to Fiji than just sandy beaches and the landscapes. One of the most demanded activity you can do there is to go diving in its crystal-clear waters and see the marine fauna.
Furthermore, if you ask someone who has just came back from Fiji islands and you ask him what he liked most, he would probably say the people and their culture. Native Fiji people are well known as one of the kindest, happiest and cheerful people in the world.
To sum up, if you are looking for a lifetime holiday, then I would certainly recommend the Fiji islands.


Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is one of the most impressive tourist destinations in the world. You should visit it!! Here's a little guide.

Machu picchu yasmine fokay 1 bac a from Yasmine98

WRITING; Travelling.

Last summer I went to Peru with my family. I always wanted to go, and thanks to my effort I passed all my exams and my parents accepted to go. But we went especially to Machu Picchu.

We took a plane from Casablanca to Paris and from Paris to Peru, exactly in the airport  Lima. Then we took a train to our hotel Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel, in Aguas Calientes. The weather was rainy and cloudy. By the next morning we went to Huayna Picchu. It is located in the Cusco Region, Urubamba Province, Machupicchu District. According to the guide the top of the mountain was the residence for the high priest and the local virgins. We stayed there all the day. The next days we went to Camino Inca, Winawayna, Templo del Sol and other famous places.

I didn’t like the food, because we don’t eat this kind of food in my country. For example the cuy, bugs, urchins and other food. When we went to some restaurants I only ate salad, fries and some fast food.

It was an amazing experience, I met new people and I made some friends. I talk to them every day, and we are planning to go again to Machu Picchu but alone, without our parents.


Sunday 14 December 2014

Edinburgh by Salima El Ouahabi

The memories of past holidays always bring me a smile. I am from NYC. Since 2012 I have never travelled or been out fom my city.
My best friend Lisa asked me to go with her on a trip to Scotland .It was long time I didn't travel, so I accepted.
Lisa paid all expenses. The plane raid lasted six hours. We arrived at midnight. Edinburgh Airport is Scotland's busiest and biggest airport and the principal gateway to the capital. 
We checked in a youth hostel. The next morning our  guide took us to visit the Edinburgh Castle Hill .The castle was amazing .I think it is the best castle I have never seen.
Edinburgh is rich in associations with past and has many historic buildings. Then we took Lothian Buses on Princess Street and we went for a walk.It was great! 
The next day we visited Hibernian football club . It was easy  communicate with people because they spoke English apart  Scottish.
The last day we went to an old college and the principal of school gave us a book like present "Edinburgh :A cultural and literary history". I loved the book it talks about Edinburgh history. 
We return home three days after.

The Maldives Islands

Merzouga (Mohamed Boukricha)

Merzouga is a small town , situated in the south of Morocco , with few people. Interesting views and landscapes and also a touristic place , a lot of people visit Merzouga because it's a relaxing and wonderfull place.

Nepal (Mehdi Rian)

In this presentation, I talk about Nepal, its culture, food, places and else.

Tokyo - Zaid Bousdar

Tokyo is well known of its incredible culture and food but in this presentation I will only talk about its most visited place. In a near future if I have the chance I will talk more about its culture.


Last month I went on a school trip to Tokyo with my classmates. I was impressed because I had always wanted to go there. We arrived at night and we checked in the hotel.

The next day we visited the Imperial Palace and the Ueno Park. During the evening we had dinner on a restaurant on th Omotesando Hills District and then we returned to the hotel.

I never imagined that the next day was going to be the worst of all. Qfter having breakfast, we decided to visit Mount Fuji. We took the train to Subashiri. When we arrived, our Tour Guide, Hideyoshi told us about the past of the mountain. Then we entered the forest. We split up. Our group decided to go back to the the station but we never reached it. Then we realized that we were lost.

We stayed on the forst during the rest of the day. We also slept there. I woke up in the morning. We were hhungry. We decided to try it again. We failed again. That day we couldn't sleep. We felt that something was stalking us so we decided to move to another place. In our way I hurt my arm because I had slipped.

The next day the police found us on the Wood and rescued us. I was taken to the hospital. Later, we returned to the hotel. As Hideyoshi told us, wer were lucky to return to the city again because a lot of tourists who had been lost commited suicide.

The trip ended happily. We returned to Tetuan and our lives started its routine again but I will never forget Hideyoshi's words.

Shougatsu (New Year)

Shougatsu (New Year) is the most important celebration in the japanese culture. Shougatsu is celebrated during the fourth first January days.
Shougatsu was a national celebration since a lot of time. At first it coincided with the chinese calendar but since 1873 the date of the celebration was adjusted to the gregorian calendar. During the days before the celebration, people do a thorough cleaning of the house to purify it and prepare it for the upcoming year. People usually prepare typical food. It is also typical to decorate the house with traditional furniture.
For years japanese people celebrate this important celebration. It is the costum to have dinner with the family. Shougatsu is for japanese as important as Christmas is for christians.

Typical food

People celebrating Shougatsu in front a temple

Tokyo: Photos


Tourists visiting the Sensoji Temple 

Traditional weeding in the Meiji Jingu

To Aru Majutsu no Index poster in Tokyo Anime Center 
A spectacular view of Mount Fuji

A beautiful fountain in Yoyogi Park


Saturday 13 December 2014


Thursday 11 December 2014

Punta Cana (Yassin Agzoul)

Hello , I want to talk about my presentation:
Punta Cana, an amazing place where you can enjoy a lot of unforgettable experiences,luxurious instalations in adittion to his fantastic beaches and and it's exceptional views.
By:Yassin Agzoul

Nasser Lebbadi Castro Norway

introduction: In this Writing,  I am going to talk Norway, in the power point there are the situation of the country, the landscape, the most famous monuments, the geograhic accidents and finally the viking's history.
Nasser Lebbadi Castro

Writing: Norway

In this writing I am talking about a fantastic country that I want to go, this country is 


In first I am going to say where is it?, His population, area and history. 

Norway is a Scandinavian unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises 

the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, the Arctic archipelago of 

Svalbard, and the sub-Antarctic Bouvet Island. His capital is Oslo and his language is the 

Norwegian and Sami.

Norway’s population is 5,109,059 people this year, and his area is 385,252 square 


The favorite history of Norway is the vinking’s history. The vinking’s era starts in the 9th

century, Norway was divided in several kingdoms and they were confronted At the end of 

the 9th century Harald Fairhair gained control of the western coast and he called himself 

king of Norway but he really only ruled part of it. He was followed by Eric Bloodaxe (900-

935). The next king of Norway was Haakon I (935-960). He attempted to convert Norway 

to Christianity but he was not successful. 

Norwegian society was divided into 3 classes. At the bottom were the thralls or slaves. 

Being a slave was, no doubt, horrid as they were made to do the hardest and most 

unpleasant work. Above the thralls were the freemen. A freeman could be quite wealthy or 

he could be very poor depending on how much land he owned. Above them were the nobles 

or jarls.

And finally Norway was converted to Christianity in the 11th century. In 995 Olav 

Tryggvesson made himself king of Norway. 

And now I am talking to the town in the actually.

The first thing that you see in the country is the amount of vegetation and a lot of animals, if 

you go to Norway you will have fantastic experience.

Something that you can do in Norway is for example go hiking, snorkel, visit the Norway’s 

fjords, go to museums and a lot of things more.

The best museums of Norway are “viking ship museum”, “Fram museum”, the Oslo opera 

house and the natural history museum at the university of Norway.

Norway is very famous for its geographic accidents these are some of all: Lofoten, 

Preikestolen, Floyen, Briksdalsbreen, Nigardsbreen and Gaustatoppen.

The experience that you will have is a amazing experience for all that this great country has 

and of course your your own experience.

Berlin-Omar Benallal Rubia

It's a famous city o Germany,where you can go sightseeing,and a nice city where to have fun.

The History of this city is very important for the people and for the world. Because,it's not only a all. This is a lot of things at same time. It's a way to say what happened there:

-The Second World War.

-The Door of Brademburgo.

-The Wall of Berlin.

The Second World War:

-This war started on 1939. It'strue if we talki just about yhe war,but not true if we talk about Berlin.

Berlin was the city where Hitler started winning the people's choice,because he wanted to be the "Fuhrer".
He killed a lot of people because he said so many times: "This people is the reason for our problems....we don't need them"