Thursday 11 December 2014

Berlin-Omar Benallal Rubia

It's a famous city o Germany,where you can go sightseeing,and a nice city where to have fun.

The History of this city is very important for the people and for the world. Because,it's not only a all. This is a lot of things at same time. It's a way to say what happened there:

-The Second World War.

-The Door of Brademburgo.

-The Wall of Berlin.

The Second World War:

-This war started on 1939. It'strue if we talki just about yhe war,but not true if we talk about Berlin.

Berlin was the city where Hitler started winning the people's choice,because he wanted to be the "Fuhrer".
He killed a lot of people because he said so many times: "This people is the reason for our problems....we don't need them"