Thursday 11 December 2014

Nasser Lebbadi Castro Norway

introduction: In this Writing,  I am going to talk Norway, in the power point there are the situation of the country, the landscape, the most famous monuments, the geograhic accidents and finally the viking's history.
Nasser Lebbadi Castro

Writing: Norway

In this writing I am talking about a fantastic country that I want to go, this country is 


In first I am going to say where is it?, His population, area and history. 

Norway is a Scandinavian unitary constitutional monarchy whose territory comprises 

the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, the Arctic archipelago of 

Svalbard, and the sub-Antarctic Bouvet Island. His capital is Oslo and his language is the 

Norwegian and Sami.

Norway’s population is 5,109,059 people this year, and his area is 385,252 square 


The favorite history of Norway is the vinking’s history. The vinking’s era starts in the 9th

century, Norway was divided in several kingdoms and they were confronted At the end of 

the 9th century Harald Fairhair gained control of the western coast and he called himself 

king of Norway but he really only ruled part of it. He was followed by Eric Bloodaxe (900-

935). The next king of Norway was Haakon I (935-960). He attempted to convert Norway 

to Christianity but he was not successful. 

Norwegian society was divided into 3 classes. At the bottom were the thralls or slaves. 

Being a slave was, no doubt, horrid as they were made to do the hardest and most 

unpleasant work. Above the thralls were the freemen. A freeman could be quite wealthy or 

he could be very poor depending on how much land he owned. Above them were the nobles 

or jarls.

And finally Norway was converted to Christianity in the 11th century. In 995 Olav 

Tryggvesson made himself king of Norway. 

And now I am talking to the town in the actually.

The first thing that you see in the country is the amount of vegetation and a lot of animals, if 

you go to Norway you will have fantastic experience.

Something that you can do in Norway is for example go hiking, snorkel, visit the Norway’s 

fjords, go to museums and a lot of things more.

The best museums of Norway are “viking ship museum”, “Fram museum”, the Oslo opera 

house and the natural history museum at the university of Norway.

Norway is very famous for its geographic accidents these are some of all: Lofoten, 

Preikestolen, Floyen, Briksdalsbreen, Nigardsbreen and Gaustatoppen.

The experience that you will have is a amazing experience for all that this great country has 

and of course your your own experience.