Sunday 14 December 2014

Edinburgh by Salima El Ouahabi

The memories of past holidays always bring me a smile. I am from NYC. Since 2012 I have never travelled or been out fom my city.
My best friend Lisa asked me to go with her on a trip to Scotland .It was long time I didn't travel, so I accepted.
Lisa paid all expenses. The plane raid lasted six hours. We arrived at midnight. Edinburgh Airport is Scotland's busiest and biggest airport and the principal gateway to the capital. 
We checked in a youth hostel. The next morning our  guide took us to visit the Edinburgh Castle Hill .The castle was amazing .I think it is the best castle I have never seen.
Edinburgh is rich in associations with past and has many historic buildings. Then we took Lothian Buses on Princess Street and we went for a walk.It was great! 
The next day we visited Hibernian football club . It was easy  communicate with people because they spoke English apart  Scottish.
The last day we went to an old college and the principal of school gave us a book like present "Edinburgh :A cultural and literary history". I loved the book it talks about Edinburgh history. 
We return home three days after.