Wednesday 25 February 2015

Film review Cry Freedom.

                                                                     Cry Freedom 

"Cry Freedom" begins with the story of a friendship between a white liberal South African editor and an idealistic young black leader who later dies at the hands of the South African police. But the black leader is dead and buried by the movie's halfway point, and the rest of the story centers on the editor's desire to escape South Africa and publish a book.

 You know there is something wrong with the premise of this movie when you see that the actress who plays the editor's wife is billed above the actor who plays the black leader. This movie promises to be an honest account of the turmoil in South Africa but turns into a routine cliff-hanger about the editor's flight across the border.

The problem with this movie is similar to the dilemma in South Africa: Whites occupy the foreground and establish the terms of the discussion, while the 80 percent non-white majority remains a shadowy, half-seen presence in the background.

I think the importance of this film is that we're all equal no matter the color of our skin, our religion or our culture and traditions.
Steve Biko Quotes


Dear Maryam.
Last weekend, I was watchinf a motocross race in Marina Smir. I went with Wael and Diana.
Wael was competing at the competion , so I was helping him with his clothes. At the beginning everyone was happy. The big race was going to start , when I saw Badr H watching the race from his car.

A celebrity was here in Tetouan !
I know you like him a lot , so that's why I told him to sign an autograph on my dress. I sent you the dress with my mom.
Look, when I heard about the race I was very frightened because it's so dangerous to compete !
You have to wear a helmet and motocross clothes. The best clothes were Wael's one.
He was wearing a orange one with black circles. Our names were in his t-shirt. I wish you were that day with me.
Wael won the competition and I am veryproud of him.

See you soon , honey.

Clara C. 

Zodiac Sign

Zodiac Sign                           Capricorn

I was born in 8 January 1997. My sign is Capricorn. In the Chinese zodiac they say that we are lovers to take life in the most conventional of ways. Considered the most serious-minded of the signs, the Capricorn possesses an independence that allows for considerable progress both personally and on the job. 

I am going to speak about the Capricorn Key Words :
First I am going to speak about the strong points. We are responsible , good managers, disciplined , self-control , we have a dark sense of humor. 
I am going to speak too , about the weaknesses : We know-it-all, we are unforgiving condescending, we are always expecting the worst. There is too the charismatic marks: Medium build, can get in shape with effort but tends to be bit soft. The most important for me are the Likes.. First of all the family , the tradition , the quality craftsmanship , understated status , and of course; the music . And the dislikes are almost everything at some point. 

I agree with what they said about the straights and the likes because I really love my family and music. But I disagree about the weaknesses because I am not condescending at all. 

Clara C.

Travelling C

The 8th January is going to be my birthday, so I think my parents are going to buy me a plane ticket to my dreamcity Geneva. I will travel with my boyfriend and my sister.I will visit the Jet d’Eau Geneva’s landmark, the old town and its treasures, the Palais des Nations, the carouge and the bohemian atmosphere.

I am going to speak about my dreamcity , GENEVA . It’s the most populous city in Switzerland. Geneva is a global city , a financial center and worldwide center for diplomacy ,including the hearth quarters of many of the agencies of the United Nations and the Red Gross.

I think it’s important to visit very well the city and to know their culture and their traditions, The climate of Geneva is temperate, oceanic. Winters are cool, usually with light frosts at night and thawing conditions during the day. Summers are very warm.
I’ll enjoy this trip a lot .

Clara C.