Monday 15 June 2015

International Tangier. Zaid Bousdar 1ºBac B

I have no words to describe how interesting was our visit to Tangier some weeks ago. During our trip to Tangier I learned a lot of new things about the city. I have to admit that I never knew that Tangier was the destiny of famous writers like Paul Bowles and the Beat generation.
Our trip started like any other, the boring journey to Tangier and then we finally arrived. The first thing I liked was the Hotel Minzah. It was big and famous. I was excited to enter the American Legation but it took to us some time. I thought that the American Legation was a huge building in the Medina, not in the walled medina. When we entered I felt like I was in a palace of a rich family. I am still annoyed because we couldn’t take any photo. I have to say that the explanation was a little bit boring but the man who was talking was fluent in English and that impressed me. The other thing I liked in the American Legation were the paintings, some of them were masterpieces for me. There were a lot but I liked the portrait of that women. I remember that there was a room full with pictures of a lot of things, that room was really hot. I didn’t like the dinner room, it was big but the table wasn’t so. Also there were a lot of pictures and I don’t like walls filled with pictures and those decorations.

 I was disappointed because the ceiling was cracked. Since it is an old building it is normal to find cracks in the walls, the roof and the floor but I think that they could fix it up. I was scared because the building could fall down in any time. The backyard was cool, also I saw that there were other rooms that we didn’t visited.The other thing that impressed me was that there was a room dedicated to Paul Bowles and in that room we saw a lot of his pictures and his works and his books. The explanation about Paul Bowles was boring too and I didn’t remember anything about it. I think it was because we were tired of standing the whole time and things like that. In the Paul Bowles room we could take photos and I liked that. I liked an old typewriter because I always wanted to have one.

 After our visit to the American Legation we went and had a walk in the Medina, I liked to see those backstreets and looking at children playing, people doing the shopping, old vehicles…

After a long way we reached the Hotel Continental. The views were spectacular, we could see the sea and a part of the city. The problem was the sun, it was so hot that I felt like I was fried. I entered with some of my friends to the covered area. Inside, it was cooler. I drank an orange juice and I felt good. After our visit to the impressive Hotel Continental we visited the perfume shop Madini. It smelled good inside that shop. After that we walked a lot to return to our starting point. I was so tired that I started sitting to recover some energy. 

And finally we reached the restaurant La Gelateria, the thing I didn’t like is that a lot of pizzas took too long to be served, like mine but I enjoyed it. The thing I liked more was the chocolate ice cream. It tasted so good that I wanted another one but I couldn’t buy anything more because I was running out of money. After that we visited a Christian church. We saw the graveyard and the graves of Christian people who died in Tangier and were buried there. I took some photos but I deleted them because I had a bad feeling. I wanted to photograph a spirit but there wasn’t anyone in the pictures. I liked some of the tombs, but the other ones were a little bit simple. I don’t know what happened but we couldn’t enter the church I still don’t know why but I don’t want to know.  

Finally we went to the place of the meeting with the bus. We waited a long time and we spent it talking about the marks of the second term. The bus finally arrived and we returned to Tetuan.
I liked this incredible trip and I learned a lot of things about Tangier, Paul Bowles and the Beat Generation. I loved and hated the American Legation and I was tired during the whole trip. During this trip I discovered another face of Tangier. In this trip I learned that I still have to discover the hidden places of this beautiful country and its people.
When I got back home I felt like I learned new things about Tangier. I hate Tangier but this trip made me to love it forever. That’s all I’ve got to say about that incredible trip and the day we passed in Tangier.