Wednesday 18 March 2015

A trip to Nice

                                                                     A trip to Nice 

Two months ago, I went on a trip to Nice with German company called Sprachcaffe to study French during fifteen days in their own school and I stayed with a French host family.
At first I wasn’t glad to be there, and I wasn’t satisfied at all with the ambience. But I was so blithe because my German roommate and the Mexican boy who was living in the same house as us, were good people.

But throughout the days, all I had been thinking about this trip was changing step by step. I was meeting people from all over the world. And I was visiting interesting places as museums, beaches, and famous cities as Monaco and Cannes.
When my roommate left home, I was so sad and I felt so alone even if I wasn’t,  and a day after her going I turned to my lovely Morocco.

Alia M.