Monday 23 March 2015

Cry Freedom Film Rewiew


Along with Nelson Mandela and Robert Sobukwe, Steve Biko was one of the most important anti-apartheid leaders in mid-20th century South Africa.

Liberal newspaper editor Donald Woods (Kevin Kline) has convinced himself that Steve Biko (Denzel Washington) is an anti-white racist. Biko has been "banned" by the regime – meaning that he cannot associate with more than one person outside his immediate family at any one time, nor travel outside a specific area. Woods goes to meet him. In the film, Woods politely objects to Biko's message, and Biko responds with a gentle sermon on the plight of black South Africans. It's considerably toned down from the authentic version recounted in Woods's memoir, in which Woods lost his temper, shouting: "I don't have to bloody well apologise for being born white!" Biko's real-life response was good-natured, but more powerful and confrontational than the one in the film. He explained that he tried to discourage hatred of any sort, but his priority was to liberate black people – not to worry about the hurt feelings of white liberals. Director Richard Attenborough, much lauded for the Gandhihe created, projects an almost identical personality on to this icon. But the Gandhian in South Africa was Mandela, not Biko.

Travelling- Tokyo

Sunday 22 March 2015

Malaysia celebration

                                                       CHINESE NEW YEAR
Malaysia is a combination of three ethnic groups; one of them is the Chinese community. The Chinese New Year is considered as a national holiday in Malaysia, too. It’s celebrated every year in the 19th February.
The Chinese New Year is celebrated on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Calendar. The New Year is lasted for fifteen days which the concentration is on the first three days.  In the celebrations there are lion dances and small fire works. The houses are decorated with red paper showing Chinese characters of prosperity and wealth. The oranges are used as a way of wishing good luck by writing on them and throwing them in the lakes. The celebration ends with the Chap Goh Mei on the fifteenth day.
 This event is marked by family reunions, giving of ang pows or red packets by parents to children or among relatives. 

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Mohamed Boukricha

    Merzouga is a small town , situated in the south of Morocco , with few people. Interesting views and landscapes and also a touristic place , a lot of people visit Merzouga because it's a relaxing and wonderfull place.


            Nine months ago, my friends and I travelled to Merzouga. We caught a train from the train station of Tangier. The trip lasted 5 days.

Merzouga is in the south of Morocco. It is a spectacular site. It is a desert. When we got to Merzouga, we had to rent a 4x4 car to pass a field and got to the resort. The resort was a luxury place with a beautiful swimming pool and a big restaurant. Every day we had was party at night.

We enjoyed the trip. Probably this year we are going to spend a good week again.
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         I was born on 20th of May in 1997. My horoscope is Taurus.

The people whose horoscope is Taurus, is always calm. My favourite colour is the white and the blue. But people say that Taurus zodiac sign´s people favourite colour is the blue and the green. A Taurus lends to be practical, determined and have a stronge force.

Taureans are stable and conservative people. They do fitfully follow a leader in having confidence. They love peace and quiet and they are very respectful of the laws and rules. They have habit reluctant to change. They are more practical  than intellectual. They have a habit, my habit is play football and surf on the internet.
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         The movie titled “Cry Freedom” is a british drama directed by Richard Attenborough (british director and producer). The movie was filmed in the late 1970s.

The movie treat about the South Africa´s movement called Apartheid.
The Apartheid consisted in the separation of the South Africa population by discriminatory treatment towards blacks reasons. During the movie, there is a person called Steve Biko. He represents the black society of people. He is brave and adventurous. He became leader four South Africans. But the black leader is dead at the hands of the white South African police (1970).

Personally, I liked the movie because it talks about important matter and South African event. And it is well know things about countries of our continent.

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Celebration in Los Angeles by Amina K.

Famous Celebration in Los Angeles

There are a lot of festivals that are held in Los Angeles during the year, but I’m going to talk about my favourite one, which is The Cinco De Mayo Festival.
Cinco De Mayo festival commemorates the Mexican victory against the French forces on May 5th, 1862. The first people who celebrated this festival were a group of Mexican-Americans and Latinos who lived in California.
The most amazing events of Cinco de Mayo are are held in L.A, like the Fiesta Broadway or a mile-strong street fair in Downtown L.A. , where there are Mexican music, that combines salsa music and folkloric dancers, games and cuisine.

I think that it is the best festival that takes place in L.A, because you can have an amazing time by watching the all the people enjoying that day.

Nice celebration

Nice's celebration

In this writing I am going to speak about one of the famous world´s carnival, called ´The Nice Carnival´, this celebration took place from the 13th century until now.

Since then, Nice Carnival has earned its reputation over the centuries thanks to its magnificent performances and is now one of the most famous carnivals in the world. Now it still takes part in Nice, a very beautiful city in the south of France annually in February.  
Traditionally each Carnival day consists of two major events: the Flower Parade and the Parade of Lights.
As compared to the other carnivals I visited, there is a clear distinction between the audience and the performers. The performance represents a classic parade. It is a show, beautifully directed and organized.

Lots of people come to see the Parade, and the event becomes even more special for kids, who are dressed in fancy costumes. Nowadays it is mostly a family event. It’s exciting to see parents or grandparents dressed in the same way as their children.

Switzerland celebration

Clara Cabello Ben Yahya   Switzerland Celebrations

I am going to speak about a traditional celebration in Switzerland. Named Von Gruff 13 th , 20 th,27 th January.
Is celebrated in klein basel, in Basel canton of Switzerland. This Swiss festival is filled with color an juice de vivre. Characterized by the parade of traditional characters of Vogel Gruff, will man and Lion.

BERCHTOLD'S TAG (Berchtold's Day) January 2

    In many areas the second day of January is devoted to gay neighborhood parties in which nuts play an important part.Nut eating and nut games, followed by singing and folk dancing are features of these Berchtold Day gatherings. Five nuts make a hock--surprisingly difficult to construct--four nuts placed close together, with a fifth placed on top.

CHALANDA MARZ (First of March), in Engadine, canton of Grisons March 1

    On the first of March boys of the Engadine "ring out the winter" arrive with a picturesque old custom. The youths put on herdsmen's costumes with wide leather belts from which they suspend as many large cow bells as they can collect.
These are the two most important celebration are the most important in Switzerland.

A trip to Nice

                                                                     A trip to Nice 

Two months ago, I went on a trip to Nice with German company called Sprachcaffe to study French during fifteen days in their own school and I stayed with a French host family.
At first I wasn’t glad to be there, and I wasn’t satisfied at all with the ambience. But I was so blithe because my German roommate and the Mexican boy who was living in the same house as us, were good people.

But throughout the days, all I had been thinking about this trip was changing step by step. I was meeting people from all over the world. And I was visiting interesting places as museums, beaches, and famous cities as Monaco and Cannes.
When my roommate left home, I was so sad and I felt so alone even if I wasn’t,  and a day after her going I turned to my lovely Morocco.

Alia M.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Fiji week


Fiji Week, a week of festivals culminating in Fiji Day on the 10 of October (which is the independence day as well) is celebrated annually with a different theme chosen every day.

This celebration dates back to 1970 when Fiji Islands got their independence from British colonial rules. The ceremonies last for a week and they include religious and cultural performances. Every day of the week is different: there are carnivals and shows displaying performances that shows religious and cultural diversity.
Nowadays, these celebrations are gradually dying out because of they are boycotted by ceveral pronument politicians and other public figures who accuse the government of using the occasion to promote a political agenda.