Tuesday 20 January 2015

Meriem J

There was an exchange to Canada last year. My best friend and I decided to go. We had always wanted to visit Canada.It is our favorite country. We have heard about its wonderful cities and its splendid and magical monuments. So when we both heard about this exchange we decided to go. The exchange was on 14th June. We were really looking

forward to that day. When the day arrived we both were very excited. The first city we were going to visit was Ottawa, the capital of Canada. The journey took hours. By the time we arrived it was quite dark but we found our host family waiting for us. We were very tired so we had dinner and we went to bed. The next day we visited the National Gallery of Canada which is one of the Canada's premier art galleries. The Gallery has a large and varied collection of paintings, drawings, sculpture and photographs. Although its focus is on Canadian art, it holds works by many noted American and European artists. It has a strong contemporary art collection. We also saw the Maman sculpture which depicts a spider. By the next day we went to Toronto. Like we both love shopping the first thing we did there was visiting Eaton Centre. The Eaton Centre is a bright and airy shopping mall in the heart of Toronto's downtown that houses more than 250 stores. We bought some nice clothes we found there. We actually had an amazing time there. But we had to leave early so we could see some other interesting places in this wonderful city. So after this we visited the famous China Town, there were amazing restaurants there, so luckily we were hungry. So we ate sushy in one of the restaurants there. It was delicious. We were very tired but we decided to go to the CN Tower, which is a really tall tower in the middle of the city so we saw all Toronto through it. Then we checked in a hotel and we had some rest. The next morning we woke up early and we had our breakfast in the hotel. Then we went to Vancouver, a city where the ocean meets the mountains. The first thing we did was to visit Vanvouver Aquarium. It was amazing, there were a lot of animals from fish to snakes, frogs, pinguins, caimans, birds, green sea turtles, jellies and sea stars. We were impressed by such beauty and diversity of animals. Then in the afternoon we saw a film in a cinema. And we thought that maybe it will be great If the nest morning we visited Niagara Falls. And that is what we did. In this day we were going to visit Niagara Falls so we were very excited. The Niagara Falls is a Canadian city on the western bank of the Niagara River. The city is dominated by the Niagara Falls, a world-famous set of three large waterfalls on the Niagara River. The falls are literally like a painting, a perfect draw. watching the frothy water tumble at alarming speeds it is mesmerizing. We spend the whole day in there. We liked it so much. We also met new people and we made new friends. We are stlill in touch with them. We tasted a lot of typical Canadian food like the Calgary-style Ginger beef which is candied and deep fried beef, with sweet ginger sauce. Montreal-style smoked meat which is a deli style cured beef. La Poutine is a dish of fries topped with cheese curds and gravy. We also tasted the delicious Garlic Fingers a Dough with cheese, garlic, and sometimes meat on top. We got back home one week later. We were very happy but sad at the same time. We didn’t want to come back,we wanted to stay there. We liked Canada a lot, it was better than how she looked like in the pictures. We will definitely go back to Canada if we have another chance.