Monday 19 January 2015

Nasser Lebbadi Castro
Cry Freedom
1-In which years does the story take place?

In this movie the story take place between the years 1977 and 1979.

2- Which are the names of the cities? Can you find them on a map?

            The cities are: Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth, Pretoria, Cape town, and Lesotho.

3- Give short descriptions about the cities and places. Add some photographs.

            Bloemfontein: This city has only white people, and because of this, they got more tecnhology and more high quality life.
            Port Elizabeth: This city is compose just by black people. It is a very poor zone where we can find ruin places to live, a lot of thieves, and to many sick people.
            Cape Town: It is the capital of Sudafrica, and the most high level city to live. The people who live here has black people as servers in theirs big houses and mansions. People inside of the city didn’t know anything about the confict in the country.
            Lesotho: The city is a black people neighborhood, but it is very confortable. Even was forbidden, people could find alcohol. This city is the most open minded for the black people.
            Petoria: It is the place where our main chacarter passed his holidays with his family. In the city, we are not finding to many people because it is a very rich people place.

4- What do you think is the importance of the real story told in this film?

            When I saw the movie, I really got touched by the story. This movie is showing us what happened in this country between the 1977 and 1979. When you realice that the movie is a true story, you get confuse and mind changed because this people were suffering just because they have a different colour. I think that the importance of those kind of movies is to learn about our mistakes. If we don’t change after making them, we are not evolving as humans. That means that things, that are happening in countries like Palestine or Afganistan, should not be happening now. In my opinion, the real story told in this movie should be an example for nowadays and the future.