Monday 19 January 2015

Cry Freedom

Africa and the Apartheid


1- In which years does the story take place?

- The story take in seventies.

2- Which are the names of the cities? Can you find them on a map?
Print the map, and draw the itinerary in the film

- The names of the cities are King williams Town, Pretoria, Lesotho, Cape Town and Botswana were organized according to race.

3- Give short descriptions about the cities and places. Add some photographs.

- King williams Town: It is situated in the Easter Cape and founded by Sir Benjamin dUrban.
-Pretoria: It is situated in the nothern part of Gautay Province. The Ministor of Justice and one of the main antagnaist lives there in a big mansion

-Lesotho: It is a country completely sourrunded by South Africa. Its 30 000 km²  in size. Mr Woods escapes to this country disguised as a priest.

-Botswana: It is located in Southern Africa. Donald Woods family escapes there.

       -Cape Town: It is the second most popular city in South Africa. Biko wanted to go there and speake at students meeting.

4- What do you think is the importance of the real story told in this film?
 Watch this to help you answer.

 -When I saw the film, I really got tauched by the story and I think what Biko would wanted us to understand is that the black comunity is an independent comunity. These people need any help or to be thought English history.

5- Name the relevant characters, and find information about them.
 Look for information in these links.

-Donal Woods: He was a white South African journalist and anti-apartheid activist. He was the friend of Steve Biko and the editor of Daily Dispach.
- Steve Biko: He was an anti-apartheid activist in South Africa.
 -Jimmy Kruger: He was a South African politician who rose to the position Minister of Justice. He was also the president of the Senate from 1979 until 1980.

6- What did you learn in this film?

 -In this film I learnt the country South Africa has a grat history, you have to defend your family, your traditions, your country, your history... and that people could be really evil no matter  hoy nice they look.

7- Write English words you hear in the film, and you think are important for the story.

-The words I hear in the film, and I think are important for
the story are: Racism, hate, banning, activist, aport herd

8- Which nationalities are mentioned in the film? What do they have in

-The nationalities who mentioned in the film are: